Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief will be holding a event this October to launch their new Compassionate Communities Network
NES Bereavement team poster displayed in the 2018 Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) conference
The Scottish Government has published an advice note on their planning of improved access to palliative and end-of-life care
Strathcarron Hospice conference on palliative medicine to be held this September: registration open now
Dr Ken Donaldson & Dr Graham Whyte
Facilitated by Stillbirth & Neonatal Death charity, Sands - Ninewells Hospital, 4th July 2018
Live stream to the Edinburgh International Conference Centre - 15 June 2018
Supportive responses to dying and bereavement by schools, neighbourhoods and workplaces - 25th April, Glasgow
Topic: carers and bereavement. Organised by the National Bereavement Alliance - 8th March 2018, London
One-day training event for obstetric trainees on 21st Feb 2018
August 2017
Live stream to the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, 7th Dec 2017
Marking the end of the service’s second year of operation, published 8th September 2017
Wednesday 4th October, Edinburgh
Opportunity to lead a small, friendly, and enthusiastic team to develop and deliver the NES grief and bereavement workstream
2-day training course – Significant Conversations, Life-Limiting Conditions & Palliative Care
For info on events, training and educational materials
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