Podcasts can be a great way for sharing information as well as a great way to connect with far-reaching audiences and can provide a sense of community for people with shared interests.
In this podcast, we will talk about bereavement by sharing with you some of the work and learning our team is involved in, as well as hearing from our guests who will share their own thoughts and reflections on bereavement. Our purpose is to put people at the heart of bereavement care combined with a values-based aim to support health and social care staff to do that for the people in their care.
Please note the podcasts deal with issues related to death and bereavement and were created for health and social care staff: caution is advised for those who are not health and social care staff as some may find the themes upsetting.

Latest episode
In this episode, Lynne Innes talks to Dr Kate Woodthorpe, Reader of Sociology, University of Bath / Co-director, Centre for Death and Society and Dr John MacArtney, Associate Professor of the Sociology of dying, palliative care and the aftermath who discuss sociological perspectives of death, dying and bereavement and consider the phrase ‘loved ones’.
You can listen to the episode on Spotify or listen below.
Access the resources mentioned in this podcast:
A transcript for each podcast can be found below:
- 'Loved Ones' – An appropriate catch-all or a problematic phrase transcript
- Internationally recruited health and social care staff: Supporting those affected by bereavement transcript
- A mortuary manager’s goal: Improving care after death standards and destigmatising bereavement and mortuary services transcript
- Honesty, listening and loss: Holistic reflections of an MND Clinical Nurse Specialist transcript
- Light in the darkness: Bereavement at times of celebration transcript
- Perspective from a Patient Experience Administrator transcript
- When things go wrong in healthcare: Understanding what matters to patients, families and staff transcript
- Delivering person-centred palliative and end of life care: A nurse consultant’s perspective transcript
- The role of a Bereavement Service Coordinator in a Scottish Health Board transcript
- A prison chaplain on listening, love and loss transcript
- Bonus Episode: NES Bereavement Education Conference 2024 transcript
- Supporting families through a bereavement in pregnancy: A bereavement support midwife's perspective transcript
- A person-centred approach to bereavement care: A line manager’s perspective transcript
- Experiencing bereavement in ICU: Demonstrating our compassion and humanity transcript
- An innovative model of staff bereavement support transcript
- Finding hope: An Advanced Cancer Nurse Specialists perspective transcript
- A primary care approach to bereavement - developing an educational resource for clinicians transcript
- The Self-Compassionate Space in Bereavement transcript
- The Organisational Compassionate Space in Bereavement transcript
- The Team Compassionate Space in Bereavement transcript
- The Individual Compassionate Space in Bereavement transcript