The NHS Education for Scotland Grief & Bereavement team are proud to announce the completed launch of five new animated educational films, aimed at professionals within health and social care. Each animation deals with a different topic related to resuscitation, death, dying, end-of-life care and bereavement, to help guide the relevant viewers through these difficult circumstances.
The new videos appear alongside our previous animations in the series on our Video Wall and Turas Learn page, which also feature links to leaflets and transcripts that accompany the videos. The new animations can also be viewed on the NES Vimeo channel, via the direct links below:
Withdrawal of Active Treatment in an Intensive Care Setting: aimed at ITU and critical care staff, including anaethesists, nursing staff, and doctors in training.
Talking and Being with People who are Bereaved: suitable for all staff in health and social care settings.
Stories for Education: Living with Death: primarily aimed at junior doctors, but may be of interest to other health and social care professionals.
Supporting Families around the Resuscitation of a Baby or Child;
Supporting Families around the Resuscitation of an Adult Family Member: these final two animations are aimed at all members of adult and paediatric resuscitations teams, as well as those who are involved in supporting families around the time of the resuscitation.
If you have any questions about these films or their use, please contact us at SupportAroundDeath@nes.scot.nhs.uk