Bereavement Education Quarterly e-newsletter
For info on events, training and educational materials
This NES video by Dr Caroline Cochrane offers a brief guide for healthcare staff concerning stress, coping and resilience in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Trying to maintain and optimise your physical and mental health can be beneficial. This might include:
Getting regular exercise, eating a healthy balanced diet and by limiting your alcohol intake
Ensuring that you have the opportunity to take regular breaks at work
Protecting your time away from work during non-working days and annual leave
Attending to your emotional and spiritual needs
Recognising and acting on the early warning signs of possible stress, ‘burn-out’ or mental health difficulties
This film introduces the acronym ‘TALK’
which was designed to help health and social care professionals cope with death and bereavement. It encourages staff to support each other with simple strategies such as talking to your colleagues, asking how your team are doing, listening to one another and showing kindness to yourself and others.
A transcript for this video can be found here.
A downloadable leaflet which accompanies the video can be found here or by clicking on the image to the right.
This film highlights the experiences of a range of clinical and non-clinical Emergency Department staff as they encounter situations involving death and bereavement in the course of their work.
It can be used as a reflective tool for all healthcare staff (individually or within a group) to consider how they personally have dealt with their own experiences of death and bereavement at work.
Consideration of ways in which staff can look after themselves and their colleagues is a prominent theme throughout the film. Another important focus is highlighting the impact that death and bereavement can have upon all team members, including those who are in non-clinical roles e.g. reception, administrative and portering staff.
Click on the image to the right to watch the film or here to view it on the NHS Education for Scotland Vimeo channel.
A transcript of this film can be found here.
A downloadable leaflet with reflective questions which accompanies the film can be found here.
It is not only clinical staff who may experience or be impacted by death, dying and bereavement in the workplace. Those working in portering services teams and other non clinical roles may also encounter situations where a person is at the end of their life, has died or is bereaved.
To find out more including sources of support and educational resources that may support portering services teams in their role, click here or select the image on the right.
This Psychological First Aid animation has been produced in partnership between NHS Education for Scotland and West Dunbartonshire HSCP.
It was designed to support anyone who is delivering health or social care to deliver effective Psychological First Aid (PFA) throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. PFA is a humane, supportive and flexible response to people who are in distress or suffering during and after crises or emergencies.
In addition to this animation, a new Psychological First Aid module has been launched on Turas Learn.
Click here or on the image to the right to watch this animation
A series of podcasts have been developed by NHS Education for Scotland to help managers and staff during difficult times. The series of 5 podcasts includes topics on, Psychological Wellbeing, Psychological First Aid, Resilience for Managers, Psychological 1st Aid in Action, Perinatal and Infant Mental Health e-learning modules.
It can be difficult to prioritise our own wellbeing in an ongoing crisis when we're busy looking after others. Here are some key evidence based tips to protect your own psychological wellbeing and help you continue to look after others safely & effectively.
Click here to access further psychosocial mental health and wellbeing support for staff throughout the COVID-19 pandemic on Turas Learn
This short film, directed by Dr Matthew Walton, highlights the experience of a Mountain Rescue volunteer and how he has dealt with death, bereavement and has built personal resilience to stay well in the job.
This film was produced by a helicopter emergency medical service team and provides an insight into the emotional responses experienced by the team after attending a critical incident and what has helped them to cope.
Read more - BMJ Opinion article: "Processing trauma: Resilience may not lie within individuals, but between individuals", by Matthew Walton, May 15, 2018
It is important to seek help if you are experiencing any difficulties which relate to your health and wellbeing, whether it be related to grief and bereavement or not. There are many sources of help and information which can be accessed independently or in conjunction with contact from specialist Occupation Health staff support services.
Samaritans Scotland - if you're having a difficult time or you're worried about someone else, call Samaritans Scotland on 116 123
Caring for Yourself in End of Life Care (Irish Hospice Foundation) leaflet
Thriving in Medicine, information for doctors in training from the Scotland Deanery
Lifelines Scotland – supporting the wellbeing of volunteer emergency responders
You Behind The Uniform - training and support from Cruse Bereavement Care for emergency services workers including frontline healthcare staff
National Wellbeing Hub for People Working in Health and Social Care - A partnership between national, local and professional bodies with a shared passion for looking after the emotional and psychological wellbeing of Scotland's health and social services workers.
Safe and Well at Work: Occupational Health and Safety Strategic Framework for NHSScotland, Scottish Government, March 2011
Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives
Scotland's Health on the Web, NHSScotland
Staff Governance, NHSScotland
Managing bereavement in the workplace: a good practice guide, ACAS
Protecting the psychological wellbeing of staff and teams for managers and team leaders e-learning module, Turas Learn
Responder Wellbeing, Resuscitation Council UK
For info on events, training and educational materials