NES are hosting a webinar to discuss how the workforce can psychologically prepare and respond to major incidents with fatalities. Click here
NES are hosting a webinar to discuss the strategies to use when working with people who are stuck in their grief, on 15 April. Click here
NES will be running a webinar looking at the issues affecting the LGBT+ community around end-of-life and bereavement care, on 31 March. Click here
A statement from NES Grief & Bereavement regarding our work under current circumstances
Invite to join the roundtable events in February to collate feedback on the bereavement services available to under 25s for the Scottish Government.
View here our NES webinar recording covering the additional challenges that those who are bereaved may face & how to offer support.
In light of the current COVID-19 situation & pressure on clinical / frontline services NES has taken the difficult decision to postpone this event
The Scotland Deanery December 2020 Newsletter is now available. Click here to read the latest news, including the upcoming bereavement learning events
Watch this space for details on the NES Bereavement 21' conference, featuring a mixture of plenary speakers & workshop leaders delivering key messages
View here our NES webinar recording on dealing with bereavement as a health/social care professional in remote and rural areas.
NHS Education for Scotland are currently recruiting a Senior Officer (Band 5). Click here for more information
Over 7,000 people, bereaved or affected by suicide participated in the survey, making it the largest suicide bereavement survey internationally.
NES are hosting a national bereavement education conference, 24 February 2021 which will be a virtual, morning event. For more info click here.
Click here for more info on the project which is being delivered by Includem, and for a link to sign up to their e-Newsletter
This NES session will cover the additional challenges that those who are bereaved may face & how to offer support. Tues 8 Dec 12:30. Click to register
Our latest e-Newsletter is now available. If you work in health and social care in Scotland click here to read it and / or sign up
For info on events, training and educational materials
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