Bereavement Education Quarterly e-newsletter
For info on events, training and educational materials
Please also consider visiting the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pages of the NHS Education for Scotland Turas Learn website. For information for the general public in Scotland, please visit NHS Inform
Resources and information regarding COVID-19 from NHS Education for Scotland can be found at:
Turas Learn - learning materials for professionals on e.g. assessment and care of people with COVID-19, protecting yourself and your workplace environment and psychosocial support and wellbeing. Tools and resources to support clinical practice and remote working can also be found here.
Scotland Deanery - COVID-19 information and guidance as we receive it
BMJ Best Practice guide on Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Other useful links & resources:
Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care COVID-19 guidance and resources
Patients and Family at the End of Life guiding principles document co-produced by coalition of organisations including the Scottish Academy
Scottish Social Services Council - Support with death, dying and bereavement during COVID-19
Patients and Family After Death document from the Scottish Academy to raise awareness of guidance and regulation, and signpost to useful advice
Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow COVID-19 digital education that provides information and supportive practical guidance covering both clinical situations and your own and your colleagues’ wellbeing.
National Wellbeing Hub for People Working in Health and Social Care
Coronavirus resources from the British Psychological Society including information for professionals and practitioners
Preparing Scotland: Guidance on Dealing with Mass Fatalities in Scotland, October 2017
COVID-19: information for bereavement service managers from the National Bereavement Alliance
Information and support for those who are bereaved, or facing bereavement, can be found from a variety of sources. This is not a comprehensive list but some examples are listed below:
Cruse Bereavement Care - Coronavirus: dealing with bereavement and grief
Childhood Bereavement Network information on supporting grieving children during the outbreak and information for those running bereavement services
Keeping in touch when you can't be with someone who is so ill that they might die leaflet produced by organisations including the National Bereavement Alliance
Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief COVID-19: hoping for the best, planning for the worst
Coping with death and grief during COVID-19 from British Psychological Society's COVID-19 resources for the public
COVID-19 resources from the Irish Hospice Foundation relating to bereavement and funerals
For info on events, training and educational materials