The goal of care when you are involved with those who are dying is to help them enjoy as good a quality of life as possible.


Relieving suffering; helping them stay as well as they can; and helping them achieve goals that are important to them before they die are all part of this as is ensuring that patients and their families know about the choices they have and what support is available to them.







Discussing dying

Discussing dying is something most of us shy away from. The potential discomfort is not just in the patient’s mind - it’s also likely to be in the minds of the professionals who are looking after them. This video aims to help healthcare professionals discuss dying openly and honestly with their patients.

Please note that the videos on this website deal with issues of death and bereavement and were created for healthcare professionals: caution is advised for viewers who are not healthcare professionals as some may find the themes upsetting.

A transcript of this video can be found here

'Informed about palliative and end of life care' resource

This interactive PDF, viewable on Turas Learn, is an introductory learning resource for anyone who comes into contact with people who need palliative and end of life care, their families, and carers, with reference to the 'Palliative and end of life care: enriching and improving experience' learning framework developed by NHS Education for Scotland and Scottish Social Services Council. The resource features sections on:

  • fundamentals in palliative care

  • communication and conversations

  • loss, grief and bereavement

  • care planning and delivery

  • care in the last days of life


Additional resources and sources of information

Strategic Framework for Action on Palliative and End of Life Care, Scottish Government, 2015

The Knowledge Network Palliative Care Portal

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care

Irish Hospice Foundation

Palliative and End of Life Care, A framework to support the learning and development needs of the health and social service workforce in Scotland produced by NHS Education for Scotland and Scottish Social Services Council